Uber she++ for Girls | 2025

Register for Uber She++ 2023

She++ is an initiative that provides an opportunity for early-in-career diverse talent to network with our Uber representatives – business leaders, alumni, HR professionals – and thereby get a glimpse into what a fulfilling career in technology looks like. Launched in 2019, Uber conducts an event to engage with this talent every March commemorating International Women’s Day.

This year we are expanding our horizons of diversity beyond gender, and welcoming students who might identify with any kind of disability into the fold to provide them the same insights into the world of technology and a career with Uber.


  • For students registering under people with disability category, its mandatory to fill out an additional form: Uber She++ 2023: People with Disability Form
  • Please use your official (college) email address to register, the same should be used to appear for the test.
  • By submitting this form, you are declaring that you are currently in your second year of engineering, and interested to participate in the virtual She++ networking event being hosted by Uber India.
  • All applicants would be invited to participate in an online screening test (watch out for an email with further guidelines). Upon successfully clearing this test, you would be sent a follow-up email with the next steps.


Published by tarurendra

I'm Tarurendra Kushwaha, living in Kushinagar, UP, India.  Hi-Tech Multiplex is an ambitious multimedia effort founded in 2021 to examine how technology will change life in the future for a massive mainstream audience. Our original editorial insight was that technology had migrated from the far fringes of the culture to the absolute center as mobile technology created a new generation of digital consumers. Now, we live in a dazzling world of screens that has ushered in revolutions in media, transportation, and science. The future is arriving faster than ever.

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